My new track

New track! Quite like this one, pls let me know what u guys think! :slight_smile:

[quote]onetwoseven (16/05/2010)[hr]<EMBED height=300 type=application/x-shockwave-flash width=300 src=;auto_play=true&amp;player_type=artwork&amp;color=aa00ff allowscriptaccess=“always”>

New track! Quite like this one, pls let me know what u guys think! :)[/quote]

Sounds Smooth - Can I ask you something ! What Vsts did you use and what Drum kits did you use - :cool:

Nice Track dude, could see that fitting nicely into a Digweed set. Sick little bass.

nice style!

all sounds seem to sit good in your mix.

I would add some more atmosphere and FX.

good work!


yo thats mad sick!!! this track rules!!!:alien:

Thanks for the kind words guys :slight_smile:


I didn’t use any VST’s at all for this track, its all Ableton and samples. For the drums I used just a Drum Rack and samples from this pack:

After that its was just a matter of eq, compression, panning, and stereo widening to get everything to fit together in the mix.

Really enjoyed that. The bass flowed smoothly and the little touches like the panned crash cymbals made it extra special.

Thanks mate!

This has been signed now to PR Underground. My third track with them, rly looking forward to hearing it after mastering :smiley:

nice track, love the second drop.

can i be rude/nosey and ask you a few questions regarding the signing of the track. seeing as im more in the “music” and not touched on the “business” area yet… (hopefully lol) would you be able to (if you dont mind and aint under contract restrictions) enlighten us unsigned guys what type of contract you got for the track/ or what the process was that lead for you to get the track signed. :slight_smile:

would be very helpful for us lot i think?

Yeah sure! I’ll give you a big answer to this later or possibly tomorrow! Right now just chilling infront of the tv, and cba haha :wink:

[quote]onetwoseven (19/05/2010)[hr]Yeah sure! I’ll give you a big answer to this later or possibly tomorrow! Right now just chilling infront of the tv, and cba haha ;)[/quote]thanks dude that would be extremely helpful for us all. with regard to watching the tv, i hope you aint watching that soap awards shizzer? :doze:

i came home from work and watched Casino :D   now thats viewing baby :wink:

Casino is a great film! No i wasn’t watching the soap awards haha! Think it was the new Prisoner. Pretty good i thought.

Anyway, bout the rec deals. I’ve now signed contracts from 4 different labels and rejected 1. So while I’m not an expert at all hopefully I can at least give some helpful advice.

First I went on to beatport, track it down, juno ect and looked for labels that suited the style of tracks I produce. I started to make a list of potential labels, with the demo submission emails and SoundCloud addresses (if they have them). When you doing this theres no point in putting Minus, Cadenza, Ministry of Sound kinda of labels on the list because your very unlikely to get a deal from huge labels like that. Look for small labels, guys who are just starting out, labels with only a few release’s. These labels are much more likely to listen to (and sign) your stuff and they will be able to get your tracks on the big sites like beatport, juno ect. The more labels you contact the better your chances so make a big list! On SoundCloud I’m following around 100 RC’s, so a number around that is a good bet. Also make sure you contact RC near where you live! In Manchester there are at least 10 techno labels and I’d bet its similar in most big cities. Even if your unsuccessful with these labels, add them on facebook and get to know them as they will have links to local night clubs :wink:

Once you have your list its a matter of sending out demo’s. I only applied to RC who accepted digital demos as I thought it to much hassle to send CDs off round the world. When sending demos a lot of RC will have guide lines like “must be 320kps MP3”. Make sure you follow these or you will have wasted you time.

The majority of the demos I sent were through soundcloud. Loads of RC use this because it so easy to send a demo. Also, its worth putting your tracks in the unsigned groups on Soundcloud. Labels do look at those groups!!!

So hopefully if you do that you should have a few labels interested in your work, and you will have contracts to look at. I’m not to hot on contracts, but I will say don’t be afraid to send a contract back if there is something you don’t like it it. I rejected a contract because the RC had a “termination Clause” where they would earn 50% of my future earnings after the deal ended, and they wanted me to have each track mastered. If it wasn’t up to their standard they could charge me $175 to get it masted by them! If I hand signed that I would be legally obligated to do so! errrr, **** that! So yeah, dont just sign anything.

Also, if your anything like me and the moment you see all the legal stuff your head hurts, find someone who and make sense of it! I showed each contract to my dad and my friend Anna who is in her final year of a law degree. They were a great help so you should def get other ppl to look through contracts! If you don’t know anyone, look online for music lawyers, I know someone who got a free consultation with a music lawyer so I’m guessing if you look hard enough you should find one :wink:

I do know a little about contracts tho from when I was at music collage. The basic independent deal is usually a 50-50 split. This will be after the charge that the website will take. So beatport makes money by taking a small amount from the sale of each track. After that and any other costs (promotion ect) the money is split 50-50. Only one of the deals I’ve signed has been different to that basic 50-50 deal.

Right thats bout all I can do. Rly hope this has been helpful! Sorry if I went on a bit haha