My Subscription has run out

Haven’t been on here in a while as my subscription has run out. The year that I had my subscription I learned a lot so thank you to the Sonic Academy team.

I mostly use Logic and although I’ve been able to translate most of the techniques done in Ableton I prefer to see them in Logic so I probably will not be renewing but I will take advantage of the purchase per tutorial thing when I see a specific tut of great interest to me.

I would definitely recommend SA to anyone that uses Ableton or any other DAW for that matter. It’s by far the best (dance) genre based tutorial service out there.

If SA ever decided that it would be cost effective and profitable to start a similar service but based on Logic I would definitely subscribe to that service (just a thought). I know they tried doing the same tut in various DAWS in the past and many complained that it was repetitive (I could see their point) but if SA had enough clientele that would subscribe to a Logic based service without cannibalizing there current client base on this site, i think it would be interesting and possibly a new revenue stream.

Any way sorry for the long post and thanks again for the great tuts and inspiration.

All good things,

I would love to use logic but logic = a mac and a mac = a stabbin myself in the mac (back) so not happening for me!

I use ableton myself and have decided not to renew my subscription.

Mainly at the time when it ran out SA seemed more fooked about redoing old tutorials but in different DAWS, also there has been no videos that I have wanted to watch.

I may renew my subscription but only when Phil gets around his HTSL hard house (Dom Sweeten) what he said he is geeking up on (that being a few months ago now) but that would have to be very special as the HTSL hard dance was shocking bad and seemed put together in a rush! Would also like bigger synthesis tutorials not just a hour one here and there. I am also still waiting on my 20% off a subscription what they said they couldn’t sort out till after they had sorted something with paypal but I have since seen discount codes go up and I have had funk all!

Overall I am not to fussed when I renew as think SA need to up there game and do more advanced videos. I would say and have said though if your a beginner and clueless but want to get into making tracks then this place will help you get started!


[quote]BoneIDOL (19/12/2010)[hr] when Phil gets around his HTSL hard house (Dom Sweeten) [/quote]

This would be cool :cool:

[quote]rcorbo (19/12/2010)

I mostly use Logic and although I’ve been able to translate most of the techniques done in Ableton I prefer to see them in Logic so I probably will not be renewing


Isn’t there a new tutor that will be converting the video’s to logic.

No, I think that was an old thread that was resurrected by mistake.