Need a bit of help quickly

How do i get my midi to modulate parameters in ableton?

Ok basically I know about clicking ‘Midi’ and setting which switch will modulate which area of Ableton, this is where my problem is, I never used to have the problem before on my old computer, but I think it’s mearly a settings issue here.

What is happening is that I set my levels to modulate the gain levels of each main group on my mixer. However when i move my hardware channels, the channels on Ableton don’t move with it.

I’ve gone into preferences and selected Midi Sync. Each of my input’s ‘track’ is set to ‘on’, the ‘Sync’ and ‘Remote’ were set to off, however when i put the ‘Remote’ to ‘on’ it allowed me to move a channel on my hardware and thus assign itself to the software channel, when it was switched off this didn’t work.

I’ve tried turning ‘sync’ on but that doesn’t seem to do anything??

So basically right now, in the midi sync screen the only things that are set to ‘on’ are Track and Remote on all my inputs.

My midi is definitely registering as the yellow light in the corner is lighting up when i press a key and when i use the keyboard on it, it plays fine.

Sometime today would be spot on :wink: heh

Ah i know it’s something so simple yet out to get me :stuck_out_tongue:

Technology eh, loves to play tricks with you.

[quote]roben (05/03/2010)[hr]Sometime today would be spot on :wink: heh

Ah i know it’s something so simple yet out to get me :stuck_out_tongue:

Technology eh, loves to play tricks with you.[/quote]

Are u talkin about velocity ? im not sure im getting what you mean dude !:slight_smile:

When i move my midi controller nothing happens on my DAW.

Even though i’ve assigned the controller in the ‘midi’ section.

you have to assign every slider or knob to every parameter that you want to control

right click the parameter and either edit midi or edit key or you can click on the right hand top screen section with the two boxes key or midi

Click midi and everything will turn blue

Click Key and it will turn orange

i’m no expert in this but thats how i do what i need to :slight_smile:

[quote]jon_fisher (05/03/2010)[hr]you have to assign every slider or knob to every parameter that you want to control

right click the parameter and either edit midi or edit key or you can click on the right hand top screen section with the two boxes key or midi

Click midi and everything will turn blue

Click Key and it will turn orange

i’m no expert in this but thats how i do what i need to :)[/quote]

That’s what I’m saying though mate, i do that, absolutely no different how i used to do it before on my old computer, only this time it doesn’t work. Was thinking it may be something to do with the settings??

I know you’ve probably done this already, but have you made sure your MIDI preferences are set up right on your new computer?

is ableton picking up your keyboard/control surface ?

[quote]wickedged (05/03/2010)[hr]I know you’ve probably done this already, but have you made sure your MIDI preferences are set up right on your new computer?[/quote]

This is what I’m not sure about, maybe it’s not set up right? I don’t know. See first post regarding what i’ve got clicked as ‘on’.

[quote]jon_fisher (05/03/2010)[hr]is ableton picking up your keyboard/control surface ?[/quote]

Yep, the yellow light is coming on and i can still play through the keyboard.

It’s just my assigned controls (my midi keyboard has motorised faders etc on) isn’t moving the channels on ableton that i’ve set them too. Even though it says under the midi button (top right) that they’re assigned.

check your manual dude, my radium 49 will not do anything unless i have it set to Midi select 1 in the display screen when using it with ableton and i have to select 0 to use it with reason. maybe its something like that

Here’s a screen print, can you see anything wrong with the settings?


turn off remote and see what happens dude, another guy was on this forum a while back and he had to do that because the controller wouldn’t let him assign anything as it was trying to auto assign

Still won’t work :frowning:

Anyways if remote is switched off it doesn’t allow me to assign the channels.

It’s weird because i click a parameter, move (for example) fader A and ableton links the two fine. But when im back in the normal screen (out of the assign midi section) it still wont move the parameter when i move ‘fader A’.

This is weird, it used to work before. I wonder if it’s just because im on Windows 7 now??

I think u need to select an input and or out put 4 ur controll surface ?

i had one time the same problem with my midi keyboard!

what i did, is that i just went to preferences deactivated all

settings and than again activated it.

than it worked again :wink:

sure is a strange one

Maybe if i punch it…


Maybe it’s all gone swedish on me.

I’ll bash it some more and see what happens.

God bless technology.

WTF?! I haven’t even changed a setting, nothing, i went on to start bashing buttons etc but didn’t even need to, it’s now working…

Seriously i swear technology has a mind of it’s own…