hey sonic,
im trying to re-create a similar bass sound to this. the main bass that hits on the 1st 2 beats every 2 bars!
really getting on my nerves now :w00t:
i cant figure out if its getting compressed or not, if so, how much compression and also what its main frequencies are. does have a dip in the eq around 200-500 ish? or does have the lows cut out of it? it doesnt sound like its being sidechained but it sits so well on the 1st 2 beats everytime… how is this?
i honestly cant figure it out!
please help sonic.
life or death situation
comes in straight away
Its definitely side-chained a bit.
Sounds like there might be a 5th in there too. possibly some static Phaser.
Its quite hard to tell as its embedded in the track quite a bit.
By a fifth, do you mean like a chord?
Is there much compression on it do you think phil?
Like if you have one OSC up +7 and mix it in subtly.
not too much compression… just to get a bit of a dip on the kick.
Cheers phil.
1 last thing. Is there much eq on it? Any cuts or boosts dya reckon?
Really depends on your source.
Source as in what phil?
The source you are using (ie synth sound) and what it sounds like compared to what you want it to sound like.
Ok thanks a lot phil!
Am gonna get straight onto it