Need some samples

Hello everybody! br
I’ve recently started crafting my first album, as such my first track is in the key of G minor( some type of melancholic electronica in this case). I was wondering if any of you know some good tracks in G minor which I can sample(no need to be cleared samples, i can clear them myself or recreate them if they’re good) or any good sample
I’m interested more in genres outside the EDM area in this case for sampling . Any help would be appreciated. I’m looking for piano samples, guitar samples, horn samples, theremin samples, anything actually that I can check out in the key G Minor br
Thanks for reading!

Can’t you just get hold of any sample and pitch it to Gm? Obviously it’s easier to just have one thats already in Gm but if you are struggling to find something decent just repitch it mate. br
What DAW you using? In Ableton just use the transpose function :slight_smile:

I find that it looses it’s natural character and I can’t just pitch down nice chord sequences and have them still sounding right. I’m also interested in this as a source of inspiration, I don’t really know tracks in G minor so I’m really interested in the general direction on the approach of this key.

I think fowleja is right you just look for samples in any key and pitch them… That process will often iffer up some intresting tones an textures you dont hearcatvthe standard
Burials stuff is a great example of how weird pitchings cant work a treat.

sample these strings:br
[url]Mozart Symphony #40 in G Minor, K 550 - 1. Molto Allegro - YouTube

+1 on pitching down. It makes for a more interesting sound, and yes, vastly changing pitch makes a sound very grainy and throaty but you can get up to around 4 semis out of a track before this happens. DJs shift the pitch of tracks as a requirement and they often get away with far more drastic changes than that. So yeah, you can get away with almost anything. If you’re looking for inspiration, you should probably be asking for tracks with a certain style or feel than a certain key. I can easily fire off any number of techno, folk, pop, rock, house, dnb or hip hop tracks; doesn’t mean you’d like or use any of them.

Thanks for the advice. I might just go with phrases from Mozart, convert to midi and rearrange . I did this once with Rachmaninoff and i was really proud of the final product. :)) br
As for the pitching down I will try it out after I record some new stuff that I think would be suited. I usually only pitch down for creative perc. The 4st guideline i think is about right. I just gave it a try. Cheers!

Have you tried Cthulu from Xfer Records? It’s a MIDI plugin that let’s you assign chord and arp progressions to MIDI keys and comes bundled with a ton of classical chord progressions already mapped out. It might be of use to you and it’s only cheap (about £20 if I remember rightly). I bought it on release and its part of my default set now in Ableton.

I’ll give the demo a try. Thanks!