Need the A1 Analog Synth Unit from Cubase 3 for the Dance Music Production for Beginners Tutorial

Hi, I’m using Cubase 5 and using the Sonic Acadamy Dance Music Production for Beginners. This tutorial uses the A1 Analog Synth Unit as supplied in earlier versions of Cubase. Could someone please tell me where to get the A1 Analog Synth Unit VST so I can use it in Cubase 5, or recomment a similar simple synth.


forget it … found A1.dll here,4984 and dropped it in my vst\synths folder … no problem … but am i now usind A1 illegaly? … oh well

thx nd bye


You can download Cubase SX 3 from Steinberg’s FTP site.  Once you have done this you can copy the A1.dll file (assuming you are using windows).

Hope this helps
