New FM mag DVD

[quote]jpgetty2win (19/07/2010)[hr]or just ignore it and read another thread…?[/quote]

I do, but I wondered what 18 pages was all about.

This thread has been the funniest thread ever on SA.

I don’t see why it should be deleted, it’s in the Off Topic thread, it’s not crossed any boundries of the SA rules and people have enjoyed themselves.

SA arn’t a political, boring, right winged company who don’t want people to have fun, you only have to see some of SA’s videos to see that they too like to have a laugh.

A smile a day doesn’t hurt anyone.

Nice to see you just woke up roben :stuck_out_tongue:

How did you know that?! :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:

Needed it! Didn’t get home saturday night till 7am Sunday morning haha, then spent the whole day with the biggest hangover EVER!!

[quote]roben (19/07/2010)[hr]How did you know that?! :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:

Needed it! Didn’t get home saturday night till 7am Sunday morning haha, then spent the whole day with the biggest hangover EVER!![/quote]

The wind must have carried your snorring :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote]slender (19/07/2010)[hr][quote]roben (19/07/2010)[hr]How did you know that?! :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:

Needed it! Didn’t get home saturday night till 7am Sunday morning haha, then spent the whole day with the biggest hangover EVER!![/quote]

The wind must have carried your snorring :P[/quote]

As in Flatulence…

Bump to reach 20 pages of nonsense:D



I’m going to start a Computer Music one next issue.

Oh Yes I am! :smiley:

[quote]ICN (20/07/2010)[hr]I’m going to start a Computer Music one next issue.[/quote]

Bah I am going to start one for Anglers Weekly - so there

DJ Anglers Weekly

[quote]ICN (20/07/2010)[hr]DJ Anglers Weekly[/quote]

He’s the cods pollocks :hehe:

That comeback took 10hrs?


Hey some people work for a living :wink:

Ouch… :smiley:

Well, if ever you see an Ad in the Paper for Jobs answering posts in Forums with Witty replies within a specific Service Level - Dont bother applying!

:hehe: :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyone check out those Olav Tuts?

Finally got it working on my Laptop. Theres some Ableton & a few Logic ones in there.

Interesting stuff… its mainly just Vid’s of him going through a track… then a bit of Technique.

He sounds a bit doddery @ times - but theres some useful stuff there.

It’s all about the ‘Dogging Weekly’ free DVD!

Olav is boring. Depending on what I get out of school, I might pay for Icon and go to school there too. Sounds interesting. But I want to see what I learn first.

Why would my friend send me this without any explanation

He must have caught my madness