New FM mag DVD

anyone else having problems with the DVD from the new FM mag? the tutorials in the swedish house mafia folder? theres no sound on a few of the videos… p*****g me off!

Swedish House Mafia\video\SHM Tutorial

anyone else???

Havent got it yet - But oh no, disaster!

I’ve got a couple of DVD’s from them w.nothing in certain folders - really annoying. They never catch up again either.

these which look really interesting… ahhhhhhh!!

Constructing a song from a single vocal line

Creating Melodyne Harmonies from a single line#CA82

Turning kick into Basslines

I have a copy but not looked at it yet - will tell you if i have it or not tomorrow

Still to get my copy!

the video with D Ramirez is good. 35mins of mixing vocals. i like him seems a ncie guy, and always give alot away in his vids.

[quote]jpgetty2win (11/07/2010)[hr]these which look really interesting… ahhhhhhh!!

Constructing a song from a single vocal line

Creating Melodyne Harmonies from a single line#CA82

Turning kick into Basslines[/quote]

Whats all that JP?

Are they the SHM Vid’s? or Tuts that are for Live or Logic etc?

[quote]roben (11/07/2010)[hr]Still to get my copy![/quote]

I heard they’re not getting them in your Local Roben… You’ll have to go all the way to the next town to buy it this month :wink: :smiley:

[quote]ICN (11/07/2010)[hr][quote]jpgetty2win (11/07/2010)[hr]these which look really interesting… ahhhhhhh!!

Constructing a song from a single vocal line

Creating Melodyne Harmonies from a single line#CA82

Turning kick into Basslines[/quote]

Whats all that JP?

Are they the SHM Vid’s? or Tuts that are for Live or Logic etc?[/quote]

these are tutorials that are made by one of the FM team. they are subjects mentioned in the (not that great) SHM video. unfortunately i dont think theyll work on your dvd either. :frowning: gutted.

the SHM video doesnt give much away at all. its mainly just a video for the 3 of them to talk about how great they are. “AND THATS WHY WE RUN THIS $***!” as axwell says.

Bl**dy wnakers.

We’ll have to bombard them to include them on another DVD. Hate that.

Really anal - but I even hate seeing spellign mistakes in their folders. Do y’know what I mean?

When you’ve only got one thing to do - as in make sure the stuff is on the disk & working & tagged properly… Why cant you get get it right?

Its not like they do it every week. Its a massive part of why anyone buys it.

Major let down.

[quote]ICN (11/07/2010)[hr]

Major let down.[/quote]

That’s what she said :smiley:

[quote]roben (11/07/2010)[hr][quote]ICN (11/07/2010)[hr]

Major let down.[/quote]

That’s what she said :D[/quote]


The Flap of the Folder was open alright, but the file wouldn’t run when I was double clicking on it.

Usually works a treat for me. Maybe its a Virus.

Either that or she’s a PC

[quote]Either that or she’s a PC


Well if your doing it with someone called Mac you maybe opening the wrong folder

[quote]slender (11/07/2010)[hr][quote]Either that or she’s a PC


Well if your doing it with someone called Mac you maybe opening the wrong folder[/quote]

My surname is actually Mc…:slight_smile:

or maybe its just that I treat objects like women… I dunno!


Whats the latest on this Guys? Is everyone having the same problem with this months Vids?

Didn’t get time to go to newsagents today… so I cant be of any help.

[quote]jpgetty2win (11/07/2010)[hr]anyone else having problems with the DVD from the new FM mag? the tutorials in the swedish house mafia folder? theres no sound on a few of the videos… p*****g me off!

Swedish House Mafia\video\SHM Tutorial

anyone else???[/quote]

Yeah me too - kinda sucks :angry:

more than kinda :@

the audio sample of the track he makes sounds quite gd too! if only we knew how he did it… useless f*****s

Anyone send Emails yet?

I will when I get me disk. Cnuts.

is this worth buying then if the dvd does not work or is not much cop i wont bother???

tbh i usually read it in wh smiths when i’m waiting for a bus or the wife in town so unless there’s something on the dvd i like the look of i very rarely actually buy future music or computer music;)

[quote]chris17 (12/07/2010)[hr]is this worth buying then if the dvd does not work or is not much cop i wont bother???

tbh i usually read it in wh smiths when i’m waiting for a bus or the wife in town so unless there’s something on the dvd i like the look of i very rarely actually buy future music or computer music;)[/quote]

no point buying it for the SHM vid. nothing on it really a few mins of them knoshing eachother off in a big studio. D Ramirez is good but he focuses on vocal cutting, doubling up/ arranging compressing. if your after that then get it cos he explains it well.

i dont really look at the other stuiff on the DVDs just the techniques and interviews