New Mac user

Yesterday my PC crashed 2 times when i was recording set in Ableton so i said “**** it, i need mac” so i buy a 13" inch Macbook pro with i7 and 4g ram.

I installed ableton with isotonik and plug my apc40 and its just flyes, work much much better than on PC.

But i have no user experience from iOS so any tip wound be great for me!

Unlearn everything you know about windows and you’ll be fine. It works the way it should do.

[quote]DFierce (01/09/2011)[hr]Unlearn everything you know about windows and you’ll be fine. It works the way it should do.[/quote]

Amen to that! :slight_smile:

Macs are great for music production, but I bet you’re gonna miss the good old windows explorer. Finder is crap in comparison, and some basic operations are just badly implemented (or I haven’t figured them out yet).

I use both… and prefer OSX.

I think there are some things that could be better in OSX, as in more like windows… but W7 may as well be OSX.

OSX needs “Cut” as an option, amongst the whole copy / paste etc…

Not essential - but nice. At least I’ve never lost anything that way in OSX… so respect :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

I think finder in OSX is wicked. So fkn fast. Top.

I used to be PC - far cheaper. Now am on my second mac and would never go back - despite the high cost. I’d advise you to go to the site and check out all of the videos on there - plenty to cover PC to mac migration.

Well been playing around with mac 2 days now and i have to say, in some way ableton works better OSX, IAC MIDI driver is so great when it comes to mapping and ****, i use a lot of Isotonik 7 Template and in Windows i had kind of lags when i was changing between different options, and other small irritating problems. Even my old firewire card M-audio 410 is more stabile and there are no cracks or pops as it was on Win 7.

Finder yeah its kinda odd for me, i still don’t understand the it works but i believe its just a mater of time, i been Windows user for many years + i work with Windows Servers daily, so explorer is my best friend.

i installed soundcloud and twitter app kinda coolt to :slight_smile:

so if you have any tips on programs for OSX would be nice to hear.

OK! back to isotonik 7

thanks for all replays

It’s not really much different (apart from being MUCH MUCH BETTER) :smiley:

…but my tip…hook up an external hard drive and setup Time Machine.

Well worth the trouble.