New melodic thing

new thing, feedback welcome as per :slight_smile:

Has such a cool progressive vibe (by progressive I dont mean progressive in terms of the genre but in terms of evolving). Could definately see this played out in a movie like Limitless or Social Network where the protagonist is developing something…

Very nice track, really enjoyed that. Enjoyed the use of acid; you dont hear it used like that often.

cheers, i actually came up with the melody in it by humming into ableton, the running what i hummed through melodyne, then i converted that to midi and aligned it with the chords to fix any bum notes i hummed, kinda different way to come up with ideas when you cant play an instrument :stuck_out_tongue:

Lovely tune - and a great idea to get your ideas into the computer! Really enjoyed this from start to finish.

thanks man, looking forward to new stuff from you too :smiley:

Thanks ekko - that’s very kind! I’m nearly there with a remix of an MOP track at the moment. I’m hoping to post it in the next few days but it takes me forever to finish a track. I find it mind blowing how much really high quality material you produce week in week out - its pretty inspirational. I need to get my arse in gear. :slight_smile:

haha that’s a nice compliment but erm i dont think my stuff is so high quality, i spend minimal time on the little details, and the production side is just stuff ive picked up as time goes by, i think maybe my strength is that i always search for some that sounds a little different to whats going on around me if that makes sense, can make for an interesting/bit diferent sounding track, but i doubt anyone will be having sex to my music on their wedding night :stuck_out_tongue:

Dont worry ekko, cant think of anything better for my Star Wars/Sci Fi themed Wedding Night!

Never gonna happen if I keep asking women for their hand after the first date, I dont think they get its just a wrist fetish :frowning:

haha mistro :smiley:

Good skills mate that’s a lovely sounding track, really nice evolving melodies, my kind of thing…fancy working on a collaboration?

Nice idea with Melodyne as well, think i might give that a go!

That’s quite a good tune there ekko! Really like it as well. Arp fits so nicely with the synth.

Only thing that might be interesting to add is some more low end in the bass. That acidy bassline could have a bit more low, or add another bassline with more low and less mid/high on the first beat and between the 2nd and 3rd.

cheers guys, mozz, maybe sometime in the future we can collab, at the moment i dont really wanna be commited to anything like that as im just enjoying writing when inspiration hits…

danian if i come back to this i will try your suggestion, i see what you mean :slight_smile: