Hey guys,
Just finished up a new progressive house tune and I’m curious what you guys think of it.
I think it might be a touch too long. Feedback, positive or negative, is always appreciated!
Hey guys,
Just finished up a new progressive house tune and I’m curious what you guys think of it.
I think it might be a touch too long. Feedback, positive or negative, is always appreciated!
Has a good flow to it, enjoyed that, nice track! At Uni right now so cant comment too much on it since I have to set my headphones on real low (Library! :P)
Nice track.
I think it is very well arranged.
The only thing I would say is that the sounds being used seem a little dated. Specifically the Synth Stab, but that’s just my opinion.
You are completely right about the stabs, I tweaked them starting from a preset called ‘class of 88’ haha. The Epiano is straight out of a 70’s kit I have. I clearly have no respect for genres or how cutting edge my sounds are :/. Maybe if I am not lazy I will go back and swap them out.
Ended up swapping out a new version, tweaked the bassline so its a bit less “smacky” as it ended up grabbing too much room in the track I think.
This is some good sounding production. I don’t mind the old sounding tunes. It all sounds great in company with the other instruments.
Even that panflute like sound
Great arrangement as well. Very professional like!
Glad you liked it. Man, I’ve come to believe I have a panflute addiction. Every time I tweak a patch it ends up sounding like a panflute… I think that patch was originally called “hardcore square” or some ****… haha
comments left on SC, enjoyed this, great prog track man
pleasant listening, solid production, kinda reminded me of old chicane stuff, well done