hi guys. Thanks for all the feedback on my last track its good to hear what everybody thinks.
Something a little different from last time.
More of a main room vibe, Im happy with it.
Would Love some feedback
love this track… yere work is very impressive
Very nice, I’m no expert, but I think it is well produced, has some fantastic sounds and a very pleasant progressive vibe to it. Well done and keep up the good work
thanks mate
every little bit of feedback, good or bad is effective…
Working on a massive prog remix at the moment as well as another trancy beat
keep your eyes out
very well produced track mate, just proggy stuff isnt really my stuff it has to be really big and epic for me to like it, i found this a tad repetative…
Love your stuff boxer.
If you don’t mind me asking, what are you using for your reverb? The tails on your reverb just sound really really good.
Had a scan through it mate and it sounds good. Very Ajunabeats I’d say, get a demo of to them. I can get being signed by someone mate.
Thanks for the feedback guys
* For the reverb
I use different types of reverbs depending on what sound im trying to get.
I find ableton reverbs really good for big verbs, before and after compression in the chain and return channels. I usually have about 4 different reverb settings in my return tracks.
I use a Waves plug in called R Verb for my medium and smaller reverbs. i find these brilliant on my drums and percussion.
Finally i use the reverbs on the synths, which i usually automate through the track to give it atmosphere throughout and so nothing sounds on one level for too long.
The main synths i used for this track are omnisphere and sylenth… there reverbs are really nice.
Hope this helps
Really nice track mate. i can def see someone signing that. It’s got the summer vibe on it
Ive had a few offers to have it signed already, but im waiting to hear from some bigger labels first. Thats the only problem waiting… lol
sounds pro, nice work
really awesome production !!! i am not big fan of Trance or Main Room . but your track is awesome.
thanks for the feedback.
Heard back from the label and they like it, but want me to change a few things.
after listening to it over and over again things start to sound differently, so im gonna have a break from this track and work on it in a few weeks to create AWOL (phase 2)
ill post up the new work once it is complete and the label is happy as it will be quite different.