New tech house track Feedback needed

here it is as an embed

It’s a good foundation but, for me, it’s kind of lacking drama. There’s not enough push and pull in the track.

That middle section from around 3mins to 4:30mins is a good example of that. It needs a little more variation to keep the flow going. It may be that something needs dropping out occasionally or you need to send more to the FX channels or intro the odd one shot perc hit of synth effect to keep the ear interested here.

The extra stab that comes in around 2:30 works well on it’s own but but seems to clash a bit with the stab that’s been running up till then.

A good base that just needs another pass to get it really moving.

tnx for the feedback. Will make a new arangement and will replace some elements and must fix that toms clashing with the filtered kick…and gonna replace the bass and add some drama to it .

You might get a bit more variation by slowly change the cutoff envelope during the track. This will give it more drama for sure.

Besides that, I would reduce the 2 minute end into a 1 minute end.

Another thing that might work is layering your bass with some subby one and removing a bit of the low end of the current bassline