Would really appreciate some honest constructive criticism on a track I’m currently having a go at.br
Its by no means mastered yet so the punch and the mid range is quite flat at the moment.br
Any listens would be great.br
Cheers chaps/lasses.
Hey mate,br
First off i think you should embed your track into your post you will get more feedback that way because more people will listen to your track, if you don’t no how to do this its pretty simple just go to the soundcloud page your track is on, and click the share button there will be a pop up box with a widget code in which you can simply copy and paste onto the forum, you might have to click on the edit button next to the widget code and select flash instead of html 5. Any problems just look on the soundcloud help page.br
Onto the track, i think it has potential to me it seems like one of those tracks that you throw into a mix towards the start to get the crowd chugging along.br
i think the hats and perc is too loud in the mix and harsh sounding, i also think you could add more spot effects in places on the 16 bar 8 bar places crashes and white noise also maybe so filtering just for effect.br
i like all the vox stabs its groovy but at the start the vox stab could do with a bit of variety maybe change delay times or reverb levels to create different effects.br
i am by no means an expert on this subject tho but i hope this helps you, peacebr
I quite like the vibe of this but I really think its missing a driving bassline.
Nice tune br
you could do with a higher bass layer since it gets lost.br
also the drums need some punch and snap. NYC compression can help you herebr
Thank you all for the comments guys, really appreciate it.br
I agree a bit more variation is needed as it gets a bit too samey, plus maybe shortening the playback time might help? The variation is def my downfall as i dont really get much chance to make music and when i do i tend to just rush and just get the basic arrangement sorted before i get bored and then just move on. Ah well! Only myself to blame.br
Listening back to the highs they are indeed very loud (something I’ll sort when i get to mixing it down properly), and yes maybe i will add a bassline and see how that goes.br
I’ll also look into the soundcloud tip too, makes total sense to add it.br
Cheers chaps.
Nice track, but like others I wanted to hear a big bassline kick in at a drop