Firstly watch Sonic’s Cubase tutorials so you can get to grips with how your DAW works and where everything is. Then with the other tutorials you should be able to follow along regardless of DAW as all principles are basically the same (you just need to know how to use your DAW).
to be fair the one shot vocal cd’s that you find can be used to great effect but they are not great for making vocal based tracks, if you have a good synth lead line the vocals can come in handy for adding a little something or glitching them up for the more techy and minimal tunes can work well. the best ones i’ve heard are from vengeance-sounds or Mutekki Media.
apart from that the only way to really get a good vocal with some kinda meaning is to record it yourself or get a singer to do. local college is always a good place for asking, just ask if you can put a notice up i’m sure the college won’t mind so long as you explain what its for
Any feedback on soni acc’s tutorials? using cubase 5 and hoping to master some house-trance tunes!
I think the Tutorial how to Make Electro House in Cubase is the Best tutorial for starters , since it has some templates for your Projects and also has some great tips how to produce with Cubase PLug ins .
Where on earth do you find vocals for tracks??? had a couple of links but just cheesey nonsense so far!! lol not all bad [Cool]
well for the best Vocal samples try to get samples packages( there is many website that offer great Vocals samples like but best Vocals that you could get would be from Old Vinyl and Cds that you might have around .