New track - Broken Up

Hey fellasbr
New track finally herebr
I’d appreciate any comments on the mix, arrangement etc. Thanks for your help!br

Hi Jon, great track! br
Its got a really good groove that carries it well and the production sounds spot on, but my one criticism is that it takes a while to get to the meat of the track for me.

It’s all meat baby! Hot, juicy meat. That was a conscious decision mind. It just felt right for the track for me. I do understand what you’re saying though. br
Seriously thanks for listening. So the mix and production were fine? Cool. Always good to hear that.

[quote]jonsloan (21/12/2013)[hr]It’s all meat baby! Hot, juicy meat.[/quote]br
Hahaha :smiley:

Sounds great man the swing of it had me from the start…everything sounds like it has its own space in the mix its a good one :slight_smile:

Thanks James. I’m really happy with the track overall. Which is unusual for me. ;)br
That said, I’ve just uploaded a tweaked version that brings a version of the lead line in about 16 bars earlier than the original. I thought about en1gma’s comment above and let the track sit and listened to it a few time randomly over the past week. Then decided to tweak the
I do find that this process helps a lot with my production workflow. It’s like letting a good roast joint sit for 10 minutes after you bring it out of the oven. It helps the meat and juices flow together and the meat relax for
And they’re we’re back to the hot and juicy analogy. :w00t:br

Now mastered.