New Track feedback needed

Its been 4 months since i finnished my last track and 7 month since i finnished my first track. Im really happy to see how much i have improve, pretty proud of myself. Still a long way to go before the tracks are up to the regular standard that some of you here
But ive been trying to mix this track for a long time but the endresults seems a bit full (muddy) its not exactly how i wanted it but i feel like i dont know how to mix it anybetter than
I have learned so much from making this track about eq and compression, its really one of the best ways (trial and error) i really hope my next track will be much better that
I would Love some feedback on this track. feel free to be as harsh as you can dont hold back on anything.

I like the riff defo has potential… but theres plenty you could improve
im not a fan of pianos for main riffs… they always sound a bit cheap to me… ok for chords and for subtle layering to give attack to a sound but when they are up fron like that they just sound
the 2 riffs at the start are playing different things and there sound like some clashes or notes that are taking you out of the groove… they should probably just be playing the same… maybe use a more plucky sound to introduce it… port pluck or outcode on ANA is what i use for these
When the big riff comes in its sounds really dry… you need much more reverb on it… make a reverb specifically for the lead… use a big Hall and roll off everything below 500-600Hz with a shallow slop (6db).br
Turn the reverb up until it sounds like its too much… then just notch it back a bit until the dry sound just pushes through a bit more. I tend to stick a bit of sidechained kick comp on the verb and the
Kick is getting lost in the mix… try to get all your other sounds not going over half way on the meters then you have room to bring your kick up and down as
FX sound too loud and are dry to … get more reverb and delays on there… also i wouldnd use teh same effect too many times… it becomes a bit
Make some changes and let me hear an updated version! :)br

Okey Master Phil tried to do everything you said there except the change of FX, br
Have a listen and let me hear what you think. IMO this one feels much better but i really loved you feedback so hope you like this one!br

Main Riff Sounds Much
The Start melody still sounds a it cheep to me… its quite try to… maybe a bit of ping pong delay and more reverb… you just really want to hint at the melody so it can be quite
The FX still Sound Quite Dry although you mentioned you havnt really done much with them… i would suggest adding some sort of white noise whoosh and
with your transitions you will always need an impact hit of some sort… the earlier transitions have nothing and the later ones have a nice reverb kick… this should be filtered back a bit to cut some of the really low off
I like a reverb clap for crashes toobr