New track, Would love some feedback

Okey ive worked alot on this one, so give me your honest opinion dont hold back!br
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Drops are really good… drums and percussion sounds
im not really liking the riff in the break… sounds a bit off key in places and isnt powerful enough to my
I think you should try to build the riff around a simple chord progression… like Cmin Gmin F or something to give you a basic key to work with then do the riff on top. There is good info on chords at the start of the original trance course and mainroom house in
in your build you build up then do a second build… i would shorten this down to 1/4 the length it is now.

Thanks Phil, I do agree with you i was trying for a few days to get some decent melody but it just started to go to sit. So my next thought was to do a more dissonant feel for the melody, but i have to agree its not strong enough, far from it. But i was just stuck didn’t go anywhere and i really wanted to finnish this track and move on. So i settle for that, but i felt it was i bit boring but every time i tried to change it, it just became
And for that buildup, i think i had to many ideas here and i wanted them all to fit but i guess that to many chefs cant make a soup. br
the melody is based on the Eb note in Gminor scale which makes it so dissonant and weak. Should prob have spend a day on fixing that melody better.

I think a lot of the time its easy to dissmiss melody ideas because they are too simpe. But ultimately simple is
I like to have repeating things over changing chords. Then just like change the 4th repeat a bit. Sounds simple but can be really effective.

Do you think a chord progression underneath would be much better? Side questionbr
( A strong chord progression is usually boring and predictable but if you have an dissonant unstable chord progression it might sound awesome?! thoughts?):hehe:br
Or do you recon a new melody and a chord progression would be better?..

I think with this stuff you are looking for contrast between the break and dropbr
break should be Epic, Beautifully emotional… drop should be scary, energetic crazy
You can use 7ths 9ths sus4s on your chords also try slash chords… like Cm/G (Cmin with a G bass) There are a few of these in each key that
also check this out for some good info on chordsbr