New track

Hey guys,

New track just finished today, still not really sure about the short break at 2.30, i know what i was aiming for but some reason its not quite got the effect i was hoping for so any advice on that would be great.


‘Pillow Talk’

lots of potential there!

maybe youd like to give me the project files and i could do a sort of phil’ill fix it video?

not that theres much to fix… might be cool for you to hear what i would do with it.

just a thought.

That’d be awesome Phil thanks !!

I’ll sort those out and send to your psycatron email, cheers mate :smiley:

Actually I’m not really sure exactly how I do this, do I just extract as midi’s as well as attach the sounds/samples? It’s just that the Bass is through a Rob Papen plug in so not sure how I’d do that bit.

in ableton (thats what your using?)

go to file - collect all and save

manage files

then on the right click manage project - create live pack (at the bottom)

upload to rapidshare, mailbigfile or similar

and send the link to


very good track…

i really like that you are using all the instructions of the tutorials

and this helps you to have a pro sound approach.

The only thing i have an objection is your lead part…

i think you sould play more with it.
