just something i’ve been playing around with for the past 3 days, let me know what you think.
imo the mixdown needs re doing
The quality of the mix sounds pretty good to my ears but the actual construct itself seems a tad sparse.
There’s not much melodically going on to hold interest but then lots of tracks here seem to fall into that kind of mimimal genre and it seems quite popular.
The only drawback imo with the minimal approach is that by doing so there’s hardly much difference from track to track.
Maybe I am just getting too old or I am addicted to melodic Trance?
thanks for your feed back, i was trying to go for the more minimal sound and its my first attempt at minimal -ish music.
when i’ve listen back to it comparing it side by side to other minimal tracks i thought i had over cooked it and put in to many elements
Had a quick listen - i think its a fair effort and was impressed. Thought the bass line was very hypnotice along with the whole style of the track.
Good work fella.
thanks that’s almost word for word what my wife said and she usually doesn’t comment on my music at all lol