New track

Here’s a secret link to my new track. Had it mastered by Henri at CID Incbr
Thinking of putting it out under a new name as my sound has changed so much from the earlier Block.Punch releases.

Hey Jon not normally the type of music I’m listening to but I really did enjoy it…not listening through any good speakers right now so I won’t get too technical but you really did a good job of having the track build throughout its entirety…made a six minute song only feel like three! :slight_smile: Im digging the newer sounds as well

Thanks James. I’m really happy with the mastering job that Henri did on this. He’s a great producer himself (as CID) and he masters for a lot of top guys including the Tronic label of Christian
I’m going to remaster some older tracks from the Are We Ep with him as they were butchered by the label first time and I want to do a short run on vinyl with them to promote the agency.

Slight resurrection here but I’ve put this track into the new Toolroom submissions system They’re using Wavo to promote crowd sourcing demos. No idea if it’ll work but I thought I’d give it a go
Here’s the link. If you can vote for/support it that’d be fantastic. :Dbr

oh, nice. i REALLY like that. that is super cool. Is that an actual guitar in there?br

Thanks mate. Nope no guitars I’m not that talented!br
About four or five instances of Sylenth and one of Massive (in one of the synth layers).br
If you guys could support this by voting that’d be fantastic. I’ve always wanted to get my tracks in front of the Toolroom team and this seemed like a good opportunity.

Tried to vote for the track man but don’t have a Facebook :ermm: good luck jon!

Thanks for trying anyway. I think this track is on the top 200 now :w00t:br
They’re supposed to listen to all submissions regardless of rank so it’s not supposed to be a popularity contest but we’ll see.