New Tune..let me know what you think..:)

Cheers people:P

Match5tik by Vektor by VekteR

nice track, keep it up :slight_smile:

Thanks ekko, will do;)

nice chill track man! love how the bass goes in your track!

Nice track likeing it - is that a sylenth i can hear in there?

very mau5y i like

Thanks for the kind words everyone…Yes it is the sylenth am using

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’,‘165px’);”>mejaques, seems to be the first synth I go to latley:)

sorry that’S not my kind of music but it reminds me of much thats out there so it can’t be bad.

just not my taste.

for me it’s a bit too slow and to monotone.

but thats just my personal taste.

as i said i think its good, because maybe artists like dead mouse sound like that to.

would be nice if anyone would listen to my tracks also.

