No Presets in Ana 2.0 after Instaling Sounds

I just bought and installed new sounds for ana 2.0
After Instaling i can not find any presets in my preset browser.
What can I do?
Im Working on a PC under Cubase.
Thanks for Helping Me

Hey there @kurtsiefer

Could you please point me to the presets pack that you bought ? Are you sure those are ANA 2 presets and not a pack for ANA 1 ? Presets aren’t compatible between the 2 synths and that could be the 1st reason.

I Tryd it out. But no sounds apear. Not the New not theo old one.

I tzryd to re install the Ana but it also does not help.

OK I Whant my Mony back. Your Software ist not god.

Hey again @kurtsiefer

If you can’t see any of the presets, even the factory ones, then it’s something different than installing a new Presets Pack and not seeing the new presets in ANA 2 browser.

Please try to follow this procedure to manually un-install ANA 2, making sure to reboot your PC after manually deleting the files before trying to run a new installation.

Then when running the new installation, on Windows it is mandatory that you only run the correct version of the installer matching your system : 32 bit or 64 bit do not install both.

Thanks to report back here for an easier follow up, the private message I sent to you was just a reminder that I was waiting for an update from you, that’s why I moved your replies here.