No tut this week

It would have been not only good buisness sense but also respectfull to the subscribers to say why there is nothing new posted this friday

we try to get one out every week if possible… some weeks its just not possible. sorry!

some people are so greedy!

As far as I was aware we weren’t to expect one every week were we anyways?

Is always a treat when we do get one, but i’d rather quality over quanity anyways :slight_smile:

Heres a Tut for you Slender.


Tut TUT Icn …shame on you :smiley:

Actually Howie I was not asking for a tut just an annoucement to say their wasn’t one - which would not have surprised me as August is usually when companies are short staffed as they go on holiday etc.

I know, I know… I’m absolutely dying here Man.

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[quote]slender (30/08/2010)[hr]Actually Howie I was not asking for a tut just an annoucement to say their wasn’t one - which would not have surprised me as August is usually when companies are short staffed as they go on holiday etc.[/quote]

Just out of curiousity, why would a company go on holiday in late August?

It’s quite a European thing Howie. In the UK and I think also in Ireland it’s common for their to be a great deal of staff taking holidays during late July/August. It’s because it coincides with school holidays (and good weather) so parents can take their whole family away.

In France, for example, Paris is practically deserted for the whole month of August as they tend to take off for the south of France for that whole time. When I lived there, the local bakers/butchers etc would collaborate so that their was always one open on any given week even when the others were away.

Only weatherwise its been very damp here :frowning:

ive had 2 days holiday this year :frowning:

A week on Sat an I’ll be over to the white island of Ibiza :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote]gofunk (30/08/2010)[hr]A week on Sat an I’ll be over to the white island of Ibiza :P[/quote]

Same as! … well, a week on friday :smiley: