On Ableton, making music with a small comp.+EQ+Lim on the master?


I just saw in a video from MacProVideo and other that they use a small master on the master channel to create the music, I have done it and sound very good, but that means i need to mastering later on (bouncer with out the small master), or i still have to leave it for the profesionals?


When I had to send my song to Armada for mastering, they wanted an absolutely dry song. So, you can do what some producers do, is make your track with a mastering chain, but before you send it to mastering, you will have to take it off.

yeahh most Labels ask you to not use Sonic Enhancer at the final mix .( if they provide with the mastering services included on the release).

IMO using Sonic Maximizer might help you loose your dynamics if you dont know how to use it properly.

I would suggest not to put anything in the masters unless u know what you doing.

I do what Howie suggested.

When I come to mix down, add whatever I want on the Master channel (there’s a few good Master chains that come as standard with Ableton). Get it sounding good. Then you can post it to Soundcloud or send to a label, whatever.

If it gets signed you just need to kill the plugins on the Master channel, output it dry and send it to the label for mastering - assuming they’re doing that part for you, which they should be I guess.

Thank you guys… Howie I think you got the best answer…