decided to do something a bit different today, needs to be eq’d and mixed a bit better, hopefully its not too cheesy for your ears
Lol love how you can apply your sound to trance and still keep it fully you.
Nice one, enjoyed this!
ekkotrance is awesome.
Not cheesy at all this…really very classy actually. Uplifting chord progressions don’t always equal cheesy if its done right mate ;)!
I really love this kind of laid back dave seaman-type progressive trance, despite the laid back vibe there’s still an amazing energy given off that chord sequence…
Shakers are a bit loud tho ;)!
Top top stuff mate, will defo follow you on soundcloud :)!
cheers guys
Quality stuff mate, really crisp percussion and the synth sounds nice and gritty! I’m loving all the plinky electronic sounds too.
Defo a nice progressive trance vibe for a Sun afternoon watching the tennis!
Come on Murray!!! :w00t:
wow, like how the melody goes randomly… interesting sound
whats wrong with a bit of randomness?