Hey all ive come to a massive conclusion … and that conclusion is operator for me (i love F.m synths ) is one of the most outstanding and versitile synths out there .
I have spent a fortune on the latest plugs and feel like a real knob for doing so …why spend a fortune on soft synths when bang ,pow ,smash ,wallop live gives you operator… if you have it dont let it just sit there and gather digital dust , use it man, the synth is Properly properly fat if you learn how to use it
Can identify with that.
Never used it, but love the EFM1 Synth bundled with Logic, which is a simple FM synth.
Crazy sounds. Everything from filthy low sines to nuts modulated stuff.
Really love it. Use it & the EXS24 Logic Sampler the most out of all my bits.
[quote]ICN (07/01/2011)[hr]Can identify with that.
Never used it, but love the EFM1 Synth bundledwith Logic, which is a simple FM synth.
Crazy sounds. Everything from filthy low sines to nuts modulated stuff.
Really love it.Use it & the EXS24 Logic Sampler the most out of all my bits.[/quote]
Have used EFM1 and similar man love the massively fat sounds out of it
back at work for a few days and back on the crack already… crazy fool
I pretty much like Operator for some mad sounds too - certainly seems underated
err enjoy the relaxing crack Jon
[quote]egg2 (07/01/2011)[hr]Hey all ive come to a massive conclusion … and that conclusion is operator for me (i love F.m synths ) is one of the most outstanding and versitile synths out there .
I have spent a fortune on the latest plugs and feel like a real knob for doing so …why spend a fortune on soft synths when bang ,pow ,smash ,wallop live gives you operator… if you have it dont let it just sit there and gather digital dust , use it man, the synth is Properly properly fat if you learn how to use it :)[/quote]
So it’s worth the update to the suite version for that alone then?
[quote]Mussi81 (07/01/2011)[hr][quote]egg2 (07/01/2011)[hr]Hey all ive come to a massive conclusion … and that conclusion is operator for me (i love F.m synths ) is one of the most outstanding and versitile synths out there .
I have spent a fortune on the latest plugs and feel like a real knob for doing so …why spend a fortune on soft synths when bang ,pow ,smash ,wallop live gives you operator… if you have it dont let it just sit there and gather digital dust , use it man, the synth is Properly properly fat if you learn how to use it :)[/quote]
So it’s worth the update to the suite version for that alone then?[/quote]
yep totally worth it … it is that good ;)!!