Original Track - Hausla

Hi guys, this is my new upbeat, feel good big room house tune.

Took me about a week to arrange and mixdown. I’m still rough at mastering too so any kind of criticism or advice would be much appreciated!


Hausla by IAmValence

I like your ideas. That definitely made me feel good. I felt everything was really big in the stereo image though. Made the drums sound kind of hidden.

Thanks! I probably pushed the stereo imaging a little too far when I was mastering I suppose. I’m still new to mastering, I’ve been trying to achieve that “big” club sound

This could def be huge mate i really love what your doing with it. Keep me updated

Thank you for the compliment! :slight_smile:

Does anyone happen to know where you can get quality mixdown/mastering tutorials? Its still the part I struggle with most and It is basically the essence of what makes a house track impactful.

Thanks in advance!

It’s all about listening with the mix down … Getting all your levels sitting together and working on EQ. I’m sure there are a few on youtube if there are not on here ( i havent had time to look )

It took me a while to get my mix downs right i just kept at it and now i think i have them nicely locked and my masters :smiley: practice is key

Yeah I figured it was a lot of blood, sweat and tears. Like with anything in music production…

Do you have any tips on how I could improve this specific mixdown/mastering? I need experienced ears to pick it apart or else I can never tell if I’m improving. I find the fact that I created the track makes me more susceptible to a hearing bias and I tend to miss things that an external opinion would clarify.

I’m replying as i listen in my studio …

I first notice that your little wood blocks could be a touch lower and ur hats could be eq’d a touch to get rid of the hiss in them.

ur synth them comes in a tad too loud

maybe put some spread on your percussion (not drums just the hats etc) to leave room in the middle

Maybe eq the synth so that your kick comes through (look at where the kick hits freq wise and dip that on the synth a touch)

ur synth is a little overpowering but only a little a bit of leveling and that would be sorted

Its def not far off though mate. Ur always gona be critical of ur own stuff. i know i am

Thanks so much! Ill go back when I get the chance and listen to all the stuff you said just so I can improve my ears!

Ps, listening to yours and Lempo’s stuff and I’m lovin it! Big Props!


Thanx for listening mate :smiley: always nice to know its enjoyed