So I produced this track and sent it to the label, they like it but said it reminded them a lot of another track… sure enough when they told me what it was I was pretty
more with myself for not figuring it out, can you guess the track? anyway its now available for free!! enjoy
D05 - iD by d-aRe
not sure which trrack but great production
I also don’t know the song it’s referring to, but I do know that yours is quite good.
Yeah I have no clue what the song is either but its definately a quality track youve made!
i know what it is dude…
neverless good production and well done for getting your stuff signed now
Thanks mate :]
Nice one man glad you like
Ha thanks dude!
Thanks again dude!
The lead is also in Prydz - Armed (sick tune)
Really nice dude! I wouldn’t get discourage about the similarities tho. Everything that people make already sounds like something else
as i wrote on soundcloud, next level. absolutely pro quality…