Other music production sources

Heres one of the best videos EVER with Tiesto, it gives the real lowdown on his studio secrets

Go check it lads , really informative.


About Point Blank Online…

I’ll let you guys know what I think…

i’m enrolling for the “Deep and Soulful House Course” scheduled for March 8!:slight_smile:

Future music is pretty good.

Yeah let us know how the Pointblank school is. I also found this the other day http://www.dancemusicproduction.com/ which is from the author of the Dance Music Manual.

hey tc,

those dvds look good, has anyone checked these out. i sure would like to read a review if someone has

I plan on ordering one of the dance music production dvd’s soon. I will post a review once I check it out.


Forum rules?

  • We are an online business, and this forum is here to support our training videos, for people to share ideas and to facilitate an online community of music makers. It is NOT here for people to promote their own or other businesses, including other video tutorial websites. Any such posts will be removed.


Just joined the site a few hours ago so I feel kind of odd breaking this rule but tom cosm has some great ableton vids however they do not touch the quality of what I have seen from sonic on just my first day! Glad to be registered !!