Pattern examples

Being a subscriber has really opened my eyes to how things are done in Ableton. Does anyone know of any sites where there are examples of base patterns that can be played in MIDI to lay down. I’ve learned about he shuffling of the hi hats and the bass shuffle as well. It would be pretty helpful to development.


sometime the best way to learn different patterns is to cut an 8 or 16 bar loop out of some tracks you have and copy the patterns to midi by ear. you’ll also probably find that about 80% of the tracks you do that to have very similar bass patterns.

other that that if anyone knows of software that records sound and video from desktop then let me know and i’ll see if i can get hold of it and do a little tutorial

I have a program called iSnapz Pro that does just that. Its easy to use and great all together. PM me if you have any questions.

found a couple of programs gonna have a play around and see what i can do over the weekend

well i’ve been trying a few programs out and can’t atm seem to get any of them to run stable with my mac (strange as i’ve had no problems with anything before) so for the time being you could try its free to sign up loads of midi on there just grab a load and bung them in your sequencer and take a look, should give you a good idea of how basslines are laid out. just some screen grabs from basslines hope they help if you have anything in particular that you wanted send me a clip and i’ll try to work the pattern out for you.

none of those patterns posted have variations in velocity so you may wanna play with the note velocity as this will sometimes be the best way to add movement and groove to the bass