Pc | ableton | sound and video record

Guys please help me, br
I am asking for a vsimple, straight, solution to recording my ableton sessions and voice using mic. br
I have camtasia 8 which will record the ableton session and sound, no problem. br
BUT I can’t get it to record the mic also. I have a sapphire sound card and mic but when ever I try to record nothing comes out. I did try a different configuration using the ableton preferences but the sound on the mic was **** or the sound out of Ableton was ****. I’ve tried telling camtasia to record the mic direct and nothing is getting the result. br
How are you people doing this??? Please do not tell me you use another piece of software like audacity to record your voice whilst another bit of software records ableton??? br
All I want to do is share and give back to the community! br

[quote]etl (29/10/2014)[hr]Guys please help me, br
I am asking for a vsimple, straight, solution to recording my ableton sessions and voice using mic. br
I have camtasia 8 which will record the ableton session and sound, no problem. br
BUT I can’t get it to record the mic also. I have a sapphire sound card and mic but when ever I try to record nothing comes out. I did try a different configuration using the ableton preferences but the sound on the mic was **** or the sound out of Ableton was ****. I’ve tried telling camtasia to record the mic direct and nothing is getting the result. br
How are you people doing this??? Please do not tell me you use another piece of software like audacity to record your voice whilst another bit of software records ableton??? br
All I want to do is share and give back to the community! br
SAVE ME PLEASE :w00t:[/quote]br
not familiar with camtasia unfortunately - thankfully Mac’s audio routing system allows for recording of computer audio and mic audio onto 2 separate tracks.br
is far as im aware they are merged on PC because of the windows audio driver setup

Thanks Brye for getting back to me, this totally sucks and I can’t believe how much of a hassle it is for PC users. BUT there must be PC users who can do this all in one like you Mac Mo Fo’s right? PC GUYS?? I guess I’ll have to start the first few with just video for now. br
No-one wants to hear my voice anyway so I’d be doing them a favour. br
peaCe br