Phasing issue in Ableton kick 2


If I make a kick in Kick 2 (max. 1.2 Bar long), the tail is faded to the minimum at the end, I still get every 4th kick a different transient sound, might be a phasing issue?

I generated the kick in the plug in itself, also recorded it in Ableton to try different options, but nothing. I don’t want to use the fades, as I would lost some transient of the kick.
Any ideas?

Also different topic: sometimes I will get a white noise if I use the plug in like in the demo, although I bought it. Does someone have this as well?

Hi there and welcome to the forums ! :sunglasses:

  • Hard to tell what’s hapening inside KICK 2 without a screenshot or having the preset but you might want to check the AMP envelope and if you have 2 nodes at zero at the end to prevent ringing. You can adjust the position of the second to last node to fit your kick tail length.

  • For the rendered audio kick inside Ableton, there’s a setting inside Live ( it’s on by default ) Create Fades on Clip Edges , you might want to check this and deactivate it or manually shrink down the fade at the begining of the clip to get rid of this.