Physical Memory Crashing - PC problem

im lost on the spelling nonsense.

[quote]howiegroove (24/10/2010)[hr]im lost on the spelling nonsense.[/quote]

yeah I can’t type as fast as I think and I’m on a new laptop (new keyboard) so my typing goes to ****! cheers for pointing that out mate!

[quote]roben (23/10/2010)[hr][quote]gofunk (23/10/2010)[hr]u should also upgrade to a 64bit windows as you can only use 3 gig out of ur 6 of ram, total waste. need to sort that ASAP mate[/quote]

The only reason I haven’t mate is because apparently a lot of programs don’t work on 64bit? Also i’ve heard there tends to be more hassle than it’s really worth because of all the compatablity issues?

What’s your thoughts on the matter?[/quote]

Rob i have windows 7 Os 64 bit and it seems to run all the programes I require. Only problem ive had was with my Berhinger BCD2000 as they haven’t released any windows 7 drivers.

yeah im on win 7 64bit and I dont have any problems running 32bit programs either…

In fact, Ableton is only 32bit so if you couldnt run 32bit I’d be screwed! never have a problem.

The biggest thing for running 64bit is using the max amount of memory allowed in a PC.

What wayne said is true… the 6 gigs u have is not good as you can only max at 4gig with 32bit.

If you are constantly getting the blue screen of death, its almost a guarantee that its your memory. 1 of the modules probably went bad. It happens all the time to macs & PCs. If it works when you restart then you know its probably not your motherboard. If it was your motherboard the computer wouldn’t start.

There is a fool-proof way to test this…

Take out 1 of the ram modules, turn the computer on. If you dont have any issues, then you know that stick was the 1 causing the problem. If you DO get the same problem, then put the ram back in and take out another 1. Continue this until you test all of the modules in your PC. If you still get the problem after doing this…


Another problem could be power. From what I’m seeing Windows 7 puts a greater load on the memory controller compared to Vista or XP, this often requires a bump in Memory voltage to get stable again. I’ve seen that one voltage adjustment can fix a bunch of machines. However doing this is different for basically every PC.

The OTHER issue with power could be that you have a BUNCH of devices hooked into your PC, and not enough power to run it at the same time. If you had like a 500watt power supply and then you had like 2 apc40s, an akai MPC pad, a beast midi controller, speakers, external soundcard, SLI Video cards, and any other production devices connected to your PC then you are sucking the power dry from your supply, which in turn would not give you enough power to your memory… hence corruption occurs. This also would happen if you had these devices plugged in while you were playing games on the PC. The game would be needing all the power it could get from the memory and if your other devices are sucking up this power, you could get a memory corruption problem.

If you think this might be the case, I would try unplugging some devices that you are not using when you are producing. See if you get the error. If you don’t you might want to think about upgrading your power supply.