Physical Memory Crashing - PC problem

Hey guys,

Ok I know a couple of you on here are really good with computers, i’m not too bad myself but there are some things I just can’t work out.

Lately i’ve been getting on a regular occurance ‘Physical memory crash’ blue screen.

Seems to happen whenever i’m doing something like Ableton or a game, so I’m thinking it may be something to do with the processor?

I get the blue screen crash and the computer restarts.

Any ideas what it could possibly be and how I could fix the issue?

& please no ‘get a mac’ comments, it’s boring and old, firstly I can’t afford a mac, secondly i don’t want a mac, and thirdly macs don’t accept many computer games.

Thanks :slight_smile:

i can only think of one real way to solve this.

Hmm could be a number of things

  1. Ram is overheating or faulty or just overstretched
  2. Processor (as above)

    3, It maybe your video card too

    There is some free software that closes down everything non esential so you can run games (and ofcourse Ableton) but I can not remember what its called - it was pretty usefull when i had a c**p pc

I have a pretty high spec PC though, only built it beginning of this year.

My Answer starts with G and ends with C :wink:

is the registry files.there should be some of the that is missing , or probably corrupted.

i fixed this using Registry Mechanic from PC tools.

helps u organize ur registry .

[quote]alinenunez (23/10/2010)[hr]is the registry files.there should be some of the that is missing , or probably corrupted.

i fixed this using Registry Mechanic from PC tools.

helps u organize ur registry .


Thanks, i’ll give that a go.

I could fix this for you mate - remotely

chances are is your memory or file corruption

when you get a blue screen it creates a crash dump file which you can debug and it will tell you what the issue is

I had this issue a while back read up on it and fixed it. turned out to me my memory.

firstly go here: [url=][/url] follow the instructions and check your memory.

before you do that also do this [url=][/url] and check your registry, check for malware and virus too, malwarebytes is best for that and you should have a virus scanner.

if there are no errors let me know and we’'ll take it from there, I’ll tell where the crash dump file is, you can send it to me and I’ll debug it for you.

or read up on blue screen debugging if you can be bothered! If not I’m happy to help ya, for some reason I enjoy this kinda thing!

you can also get some software called PC CHECK, thats what all the big sellers use in there tech departments, well thats they use at ebuyer where I get all my hardware according to their tech guys. Look around and I’ll sure you’ll be able to get your hand in it…

Anyway this will do mem checks, it will check your processor, caches, motherboard, north & south bridges etc etc as well as PCIE slots, video card memory the lot.

handy pice of software, they use it to check stuff when u send hardware back for RMA’s.

What are ur pc specs roben?

My firefox recently keeps crashing too, i tried to uninstal and re-instal but just a min ago it crashed again fs.

ATI Radeon HD 5700 series GFX

boot into safe mode with networking and follow the steps I mentioned, u can still download etc

to boot into safe mode hold down F8 while loading booting the system

u should also upgrade to a 64bit windows as you can only use 3 gig out of ur 6 of ram, total waste. need to sort that ASAP mate

[quote]jon_fisher (23/10/2010)[hr]My Answer starts with G and ends with C ;)[/quote]

dont follow u jon, dont u mean starts with a G and ends with a K??? lol

[quote]gofunk (23/10/2010)[hr]u should also upgrade to a 64bit windows as you can only use 3 gig out of ur 6 of ram, total waste. need to sort that ASAP mate[/quote]

The only reason I haven’t mate is because apparently a lot of programs don’t work on 64bit? Also i’ve heard there tends to be more hassle than it’s really worth because of all the compatablity issues?

What’s your thoughts on the matter?

[quote]gofunk (23/10/2010)[hr][quote]jon_fisher (23/10/2010)[hr]My Answer starts with G and ends with C ;)[/quote]

dont follow u jon, dont u mean starts with a G and ends with a K??? lol[/quote]

Think somewhere in between there is a C and an M too :wink: :laugh:

Thanks by the way Wayne, i’ll give it all a go tomorrow! Much appreciated.

[quote]roben (23/10/2010)[hr][quote]gofunk (23/10/2010)[hr]u should also upgrade to a 64bit windows as you can only use 3 gig out of ur 6 of ram, total waste. need to sort that ASAP mate[/quote]

The only reason I haven’t mate is because apparently a lot of programs don’t work on 64bit? Also i’ve heard there tends to be more hassle than it’s really worth because of all the compatablity issues?

What’s your thoughts on the matter?[/quote]

dunno who told u that its a load of piss! 64bit systems run 32bit app as well as 64… all new system sell withn 64bit windowns preinstalled theses day (just got a laptop) in pc world anyway

both my systems are 64bit and I’ve never came across any issues at all when running things due to the fact the os is 64 bit, just run it as 32bit mode…

This PC is so f*cked, it just did the blue screen physical memory dump crash thing again… twice.

And it screws my Ableton too, every time i ‘close’ ableton, it performs some serious error and must be closed.

Stupid thing, it baffles me how an inanimate object can decide all of a sudden to start being gay and screwing around.

I ran Registry Mechanic but it didn’t resolve the issue, it did find problems and apparently fixed them but i’ve had two crashes since lol

I’ll try your resolve tomorrow Wayne, thanks mate.

kicks PC

I had a similar problem once, and just the act of running memtest seemed to sort it out, like it flushed out a dodgy memory cell or something.

To fix it fully though I got a Mac.

[quote]roben (23/10/2010)[hr]This PC is so f*cked, it just did the blue screen physical memory dump crash thing again… twice.

And it screws my Ableton too, every time i ‘close’ ableton, it performs some serious error and must be closed.

Stupid thing, it baffles me how an inanimate object can decide all of a sudden to start being gay and screwing around.

I ran Registry Mechanic but it didn’t resolve the issue, it did find problems and apparently fixed them but i’ve had two crashes since lol

I’ll try your resolve tomorrow Wayne, thanks mate.

kicks PC[/quote]

ur not gonna fix that over night, mate took me about 48 hours + figure all this **** out and get mine fixed when I had this issue but at least I know how to fix theses issues now.

I was on the phone to IT repair guys and telling them what I had done to try n fix it and they wouldnt give me any info other then bring it in so they could charge me to tell me my ram ****ed. luckly for me I’m not that daft and managed to get someone in a large IT repair company to give me enough info to fix it. And once you know how its pretty easy stuff.

Anyway my bets on your ram, I hope you’ve got a laptop to becuase if it get worse you not gonna be able to download and burn the software you need to check it out…

Personally I wouldnt bother with memtest I would go get pc check and does what mem test does and more…