Piano Lesson

Hi everyone i dont mean to criticize or anything about the chords and scale tutorial on sonicacademy but do you guys know or have done any realy in depth and professional piano course online ?

I saw a lot of cheap one but can’t realy get my hand on a professional one.

Well thanks anyway sonicacademy rules !:wink:

[url]How to play piano: The basics, Piano Lesson #1 - YouTube

Look to the right of the video theres is a playlist the videos are lengthy but have alot of good information


This is also and amazing site for help


Learn your scales here :smiley:

like the virtual piano! :smiley:

the virtual piano helps a lot. if i know what note I want. finding the chord is a cinch.

Well thanks a lot people ! I will check this out !

Ordinary piano lessons from some real life person would do the trick as well.

[quote]daniaan (17/05/2011)[hr]Ordinary piano lessons from some real life person would do the trick as well.[/quote]

i def agree. it helps tremendously 2 know how to play.