
I’ve just got this for my ipod touch, does anyone else have this?

Say hi!

my username: djroben

(someone had already taken roben! grrr)

of course they did mr super star “djroben” :stuck_out_tongue: who else would be named roben lol.

i bet your mum even writes djroben in the backs of your pants and work shirts doesn’t she hahaha

[quote]jon_fisher (12/26/2009)[hr]of course they did mr super star “djroben” :stuck_out_tongue: who else would be named roben lol.

i bet your mum even writes djroben in the backs of your pants and work shirts doesn’t she hahaha[/quote]

P.M.S.L just spat my beer on my xmas jumper !:slight_smile:

Well considering i made the name up from a concoction of mixing ‘rob’ and ‘n’ together and filling it with an ‘e’ :wink:

so :stuck_out_tongue:

Damn me for being so unorigonal :frowning:

So, back to topic… :cool: