Hi all - for anyone who has already seen this please ignor
I’m having a plugging day today - up to 63 members so far.
Looking for a bit of a fav people. Prior to my first 2 singles getting released I’d like to some support going on… if you could help I’d be very greatful.
All I ask is that you head over to http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=165705046779158 and join the group (if you have facebook)
In return you’ll be 1st to know about any tuts I do via the group if you’ve seen them already the feedback has been good and I plan on doing more
Also leave your details, FB, Twitter, whatever n I’ll follow back
Thanks in advance [Smile]
joined mate…
Joined also and best of luck. Tracks are really good.
Hey Wayne, I think I joined. Can you check for me to make sure I did?
sure you did howie, I know I added you!
Cheers everyone
cool dude! thanks!
[quote]berwin9 (08/10/2010)[hr]joined![/quote]
Cheers my man
Joined mate looking forward to your new tuts.
yeah bogged down with my business at the mo, just won a new contract, but hopefully will be able to to when I finish up this eve
oh and I still need to listen to that track mate but will do tonight not forgotten just very bust
Oh yeah thnx mate would love your reaction I added some balls to the bass lol.
[quote]jjdejong0 (08/10/2010)[hr]Oh yeah thnx mate would love your reaction I added some balls to the bass lol.[/quote]
Shaven or hairy balls?