
Teach me how to do this

Disclosure - Flow - YouTube

I’ll give you anything!


nice track. doesnt sound that complicated.

use square waves for the bass and some soft saws for the chords.

Tons of Sounds in ANA especially the stabs that would help making this style.

Thanks I’ll have a crack at the ANA tuit to get more to grips with it- can you tell me how to make the PAD chords sound? esp love the strong attack “pump” sound and the way it seems to slide out at the end of the seq- the one at the beginning over the Bass before the vocal comes in?


Wow, this is amazing! It’s so lush and cool! I’d also love to know how they achieved some of those sounds, especially if they can be reproduced in ANA!

Pretty much the only thing I can think of is that they’re using the TR-808 for percs. For synth work, I have no idea.

Ya I know- it sound so crisp, I’m lovin everything by these guys at the moment, I’d lobe a tuit on how to achieve these sound s on the ANA, and some of the Drum and Perc patterns, i’m trying to emulate but not sounding great yet