Posting hyperlinks

hi guys

the last couple of times i have posted a hyperlink to a new track or mix eg soundcloud and mixcloud

the link just opens another page of this forum

can someone help clarify what i am doing wrong??? - it works on other sites

Use the  <A class=SmlLinks onmouseover=“window.status = window.location;return true;” title=Hyperlink onmouseout=“window.status=‘’;return true;” href=“onclick:if_IFCode(‘’,‘’);” unselectable=“on”>[url]  [ /url] IFCodes on the left hand side of the message.

Annoying them not working alright

Not perfect - but better than looking like you cant link properly! LOL :wink:

[quote]icn (21/05/2010)[hr]Use the  <A class=SmlLinks title=Hyperlink href=“onclick:if_IFCode(‘’,‘’);” unselectable=“on” onmouseout=“window.status=‘’;return true;” onmouseover=“window.status = window.location;return true;”>[url]  [ /url] IFCodes on the left hand side of the message.

Annoying them not working alright

Not perfect - but better than looking like you cant link properly! LOL ;)[/quote]

Jeeesus - That did not come out the way I pasted it. F!


<------- its over there - :slight_smile:

cheers icn - sorry but i dont follow what youre saying

what do i need to change in the url?

and why does it need us to do that ? other sites can take a paste of a url and just work properly?

i dont understand why my Myspace link works but the other one doesnt

I dont know why some work & some dont Buddy! :w00t:

But… (Not using the real captions…)

If you hit URL./URL the cursor will be in the middle of the 2 captions, where the full stop is -  blinking.

All you need to do is paste the address in there - http etc… and nothing else


yeah i since discovered the embed code works for the sound cloud links anyway

seems awful temperamental tho!