Private streaming audio

Anyone know of any services I can use to upload an audio file to that will enable me to make it a private streaming link?

I know soundcloud does this but there’s a label I want to send a track to that’ll only review private streaming files. They don’t accept soundcloud subs.

so they want soundcloud but not on soundcloud?

They wont even look at a private linked soundcloud or they dont even have a dropbox?

Do they even want demos… strange way to work…

they’d prefer CDs I think but it’s a big label and a long shot for me so I thought I’d try their other preferred method. :cool:

Well if you do find one make sure you share :slight_smile:

If you use Dropbox, you can just provide them with the URL to your public folder.

if you have web hosting you could just upload the file to your host & then password protect it.

if it is a wav or MP3 then quicktime will automatically stream it.