Problem with training videos

Hey guys, I subscribed 5 days ago and I watched the " How to make music with ableton 6 " video but didnt finish it, everything was ok. On the second day till now I cant even watch the stream cause it’s always loading the movie ( trying ) … and it happens with any traning video and evrything with my internet is ok, I am doing all the other stuff as always. Any1 with the same problem any suggestions ?

Sorry for posting this here. Thanks

If anything it could be your web browser, i find that FIREFOX works best with viewing the videos online :slight_smile:

Hey, I uninstalled google chrome, installed firefox and It’s not working too, I am getting this messages .

This website does not provide identity information

your connection to this website is not encrypted.

I turned off every security thing about my explorer and its not working.


very strange…