Progress trough the videos

as im a complete beginner, how would you progress through the SA videos? i watched the ableton live 9 beginner series and now i wonder what would be best to have a nice learning curve :)br

Hi there, br
It all depends on what sort of music you are looking to make I guess. There’s pretty much every genre you can think of on here so just pick one and have a
Dont be too concerned about compression, EQ and all that side of it for the time being, just get used to knowing your way around Ableton and putting a few loops together and then go from there! :cool:

so you think i should work trough the “how to produce xyz” first - and things the reverb special or music theory later on?

I think its better to concentrate on what style of music you want to create before getting bogged down with the technical stuff, cause trust me once you start down that route its a long way to go! :wink: