Question about analog instruments

Hi guys

I’m thinking about going more analog because of the warmer sound you get in stead of complete digital producing and also, it’s more fun off course :wink: Now, I know the best gear I should use is from Roland, right? But since I don’t have much knowledge about analog instruments I’d like to ask you guys here, what’s the best type I should use? I’m into the more deep-techhouse. Some artist examples: egal 3, flashmob (like the drums he uses very much!), alex niggeman, …

I know someone who is selling the roland mc 505 and also someone with a Roland mc-909. But these are grooveboxes…so again any help is welcome :slight_smile:

You really dont need “actually” analog gear at all… most synths now a days sound just as good as the originals they are emulating.

the difference is less than 0.01%

You own talent, production & song writing capabilities will have much more influence in how good it all sounds.

if you want some classic sounds get U-he Diva the closest software has ever come to sounding like true analog.

D16 do some great Drum Machine Emulators

That should be all you need.

Wow, didn’t know that! I thought that the sound you get by working analog or digital still had great difference…

Thanks a lot for this Phil, will try them out!

not anymore… things like Diva are using actual circuit modeling at the component level so you are actually getting almost totally accurate recreations of hardware.

Universal audio UAD plugins are also using circuit modeling.

totally agree with phil. i have some hardware (moog voyager, DSI mopho x4, patchbay, preamps and stomp boxes) and it is fun having hands on control. but also it’s a mess and unnecessary imo.

if i want 8 analog oscillators detuned x 4 voices x 3, I need to fork out thousands when few can tell the difference from a plug in like sylenth or ANA.

especially if you have a small studio, plug-ins make more sense imo…