Question for phil

i was wondering, how long it took you to gain the knowledge you have today.

what motivated you, how was the learning process different?

I am determined to make this more than a hobby, i have spent 10+ hrs from tues-friday learning from this website. and on the weekends, about 19 hrs. I want to be able to make tracks everyday from genres like trance,prog house, electro house, and dubstep. Just know my DAW and plug ins FM8/Massive/Operator/iZotope can bring.

Will i be able to do this by new years 2013 if i keep learning at my pace?:sick:

A couple of things stand out for me as big jumps.

I got to have a couple of tracks added to a local compilation… this was when i was first starting off… really made me knuckle down and really finish 2 tracks.

I used to always bring a “tape” to parties (yes it was that long ago) It gives you focus to get a new track ready for the weekend… also lets you hear things in context… especially if you are at a party with a loud system. Your also more likley in company that will have an idea if it sounds good… always make a point of asking for totally honest feedback… no point someone blowing smoke up your ***.

Starting a label also kinda helped… again you have a focus… “this track has to finished for next Friday”

I guess its about setting yourself goals and busting a gut to hit them.

Theres something about knowing people are going to hear your newest track that helps you focus in on what needs sorted.

How far can knowing your DAW get you, and can you learn everything about Ableton here as in what everything does in it and why.

Knowing your daw just means you can work quicker.

Like when I’m writing im never thinking of software I’m thinking of music.

I’ve used many different Daws… They all do pretty much the same thing, although I do find ableton the quickest.

it does seem more fluid then others i’ve used.:smiley: thanks.