Question on mastering

Hi just had look over the mastering vids and the plugins… I have izotopes ozone but dont really know what I’m doing with it - anyone have any advice of how to get good results using it please?

yeahh man ! Reading the Manual would be a good start

Not really the kind of helpful reply I’m looking for! But thanks for your input…


[quote]jpgetty2win (26/06/2010)[hr]lmao[/quote]

lol didnt meant to sound like a **** but yeahh the best way of using your software is knowing it well . IMO but u dont have to listen i just want to help :stuck_out_tongue:

Reading the manual could honestly answer about 75% of all the questions on this site. The other 20% could be answered whilst using the search button. The rest is original.

But IMO, I wouldn’t even worry about mastering. I would just use it on your master to get a decent idea of what your song will sound like when its mastered. Try to raise the volume and squash the sound to get a smaller dynamic range.