Dear Phil.
We have a midi track in the arrangement-view playing a synth, and would like to route this track through simpler to be able to use simplers filter effects and release. We have watched some videos showing how to record a midi track to a audio track in the session view selector, and then adding it to simler. This works fine, however we would prefer to have it in the arrangement-view. How do we do that? and how do we avoid the several unesseary tracks used to convert the midi-part into a audio-part?
does the synth your using not have filters?
yes, we are using synth from sylenth… but we wants to use the filter freq and release in the simpler…
Dear Phil.
We have a midi track in the arrangement-view playing a synth, and would like to route this track through simpler to be able to use simplers filter effects and release. We have watched some videos showing how to record a midi track to a audio track in the session view selector, and then adding it to simler. This works fine, however we would prefer to have it in the arrangement-view. How do we do that? and how do we avoid the several unesseary tracks used to convert the midi-part into a audio-part?
not sure you understand the question… how do we get a midifile to be a audiofile, og from audionfile into simpler, and from simpler into the arrangement vindue, and not the session vindow
sorry! your right i dont think im fully understanding the question… il
If you just want to record the slyenth as audio and bring it in to arrange view you need to:
add a new audio track.
set its input from the slyenth and arm it and hit record.
then just drag the newly created file on to the “to arrange” button
Great Phil, thanks… and after that, when do we add the file into simpler?
hmmm. still not working, when we created the new fil as you told us, then we drag the new file into the arrange window, and then delete the old file, but the new file wont play, there is no sound, and how do we draw the new file in the arrange window?
I think you need to disable the clip view by hitting the button to the right of OVR this should enable you to play in the arrange view:)
but why cant i draw the new clip in the arrangement window?