Rack mountable audio/midi interface recommendations?

I recently got a fast track pro so that i could hook up my virus for midi and audio i/o, but have just got a good deal on another piece of hardware so it looks like im going to need to upgrade again… Would be looking for a soundcard that has at least 2 audio input and 2 midi output channels, and preferably rack mountable, dont really want to spend an arm and a leg either so just looking for suggestions

One midi in out has 16 channels you really need 32 channels for one virus? Also you say you need 2 audio inputs? Most normal sound cards only have one set of audio outputs for your stereo and then mono inputs which in theory are to connect your individual mixer channels. You planning on using a hardware mixer? You will also need preamps etc if you are. As for a final reccomendation for your original question i highly reccomend the MOTU 828 mkII. It has everything you need unless your planning on setting up a 16 channel hardware mixer. Also i dnt think there are any interfaces with 2 midi sets, for that you have to get a seperate midi interface. Theres one called midi man or something you will have to google it. Also wouldnt all this have been easily avoided if you saved up a bit more money and boaght a TI like i reccomended to you when you asked if you should even buy a Virus B??? Just a case of a simple usb connection then.