Rasta Phil

Im Drunk :stuck_out_tongue:

haha that’s brilliant :laugh:


Why are you drunk at 9am? Should we be calling Alcoholics Anoynmous on you?


im in the US :smiley: its 2:21 am over here my birthday bash is over im sobering up :smiley:

Happy birthday Man!!

Did you have a good time / get anything cool? :slight_smile:

[quote]ICN (16/04/2011)[hr]Happy birthday Man!!

Did you have a good time / get anything cool? :)[/quote]


Yeah had fun

Got some free drink and im just 19 so it was good :smiley:

I probably got herpes dont know yet :smiley:

[quote]Subject 1 (16/04/2011)[hr][quote]ICN (16/04/2011)[hr]Happy birthday Man!!

Did you have a good time / get anything cool? :)[/quote]


Yeah had fun

Got some free drink and im just 19 so it was good :smiley:

I probably got herpes dont know yet :D[/quote]

Every 19 year old should have herpes :wink: happy birthday man

Yeah Happy Birthday mate - celebrated my 18th yesterday too for the 27th year in a row :smiley:

harhar… great pic!!

congratz subject on your birthday!!

@slender…> so you are now 45 years old if i calculate properly… and i thought i was old… :cool:

[quote]wouterdewitte (16/04/2011)[hr]harhar… great pic!!

congratz subject on your birthday!!

@slender…> so you are now 45 years old if i calculate properly… and i thought i was old… :cool:[/quote]

Good they still teach maths :smiley:

[quote]Subject 1 (16/04/2011)[hr][quote]ICN (16/04/2011)[hr]Happy birthday Man!!

Did you have a good time / get anything cool? :)[/quote]


Yeah had fun

Got some free drink and im just 19 so it was good :smiley:

I probably got herpes dont know yet :D[/quote]

LOL Happy Bday btw! hope for you not to get herpes heheh

[quote]Subject 1 (16/04/2011)[hr]

Im Drunk :P[/quote]


Love the stash growing in the back ground!! :smiley:

Happy birthday !

i can now refer to my next birthday like slender-26. Now i’m only slender-27 years old

Happy Birthday! & grats in getting laid… even if it does mean you getting herpes

LOL i came home and photoshopped this i didnt know why i did it but i remembered the Dub Tutorial!

Sounds like you werent wasted enough so! :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley: :hehe: :cool:

Haha! Cracker!

for a 19 year old you have an impressive moustache

happy birthday!! :w00t: