RE: Translate YO!


busy at work?

[quote]Bouffont (30/11/2010)[hr]Click the below link then click listen! AWESOME!

Google Beatboxing![/quote]

That is FKN brilliant!!

Good for all sorts!! SAVED! :smiley:


Handy little vocal synthesizer that.

[quote]bangthedj (30/11/2010)[hr][url]|en|kunt[/url]

Handy little vocal synthesizer that.[/quote]

wow how’d you get that to say egg2’s first name like that :w00t:

Does anyone know how I can record the sound using a pc :smiley:

Use audacity and set it to stereo mix?

That’s what I always used to do for ripping sounds direct from the PC.

Mac it’s a bunch harder annoyingly, but there are workarounds.

[quote]bangthedj (30/11/2010)[hr]Use audacity and set it to stereo mix?

That’s what I always used to do for ripping sounds direct from the PC.

Mac it’s a bunch harder annoyingly, but there are workarounds.[/quote]

Cheers Bang

Hmm I wonder if Phill and co. would except a bunch of swear words in croation as a sample pack :smiley:

This is what I use.

Audio Hijack


Introduces noise after 10mins. Just shut down & reopen.

Works good.

Interesting, will check that out. My current solution was to use screenflow to grab everyhting (audio and screen movements) then just untick the video bit on export. Not pretty tho.

Another case of Mac’s not always ‘Just working’

Still… a whole lot easier than sellotaping a SM58 to your monitors :wink:

[quote]ICN (30/11/2010)[hr]Still… a whole lot easier than sellotaping a SM58 to your monitors ;)[/quote]

It’s not sellotape its sticky back plastic

We dont have either here anymore. Cut backs.

Snot or even Hock is just as good for the DIY Enthuasiast.

It conducts sound excellently also - no problems there. Try it. You might be surprised.

Its no good giving out DIY tips if you don’t have a home :P:D

No… We live underground.

We speak with our fingers. Dont have much time… the link is going to be broken soon… :w00t:

Here’s one I made earlier

thank god i’ve already eaten roben :sick:

Thats wrong. Put a nail in your Hard Drive now Rob.

The Guys from Operation Kiddiebadman III are on their way with C019.